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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Year One begins by using our imaginations inspired by Stanley and his stick and going on an adventure with Billy and her faithful cat. We will continue the theme of adventures and journeys by exploring what is up in the air and finish off with a nice day out at the seaside!


Reading in Year 1 

The ability to read is a fundamental life skill. Reading can introduce new vocabulary; it can support communication and language skills; and can help grow self-confidence and independence.

Book bags should be brought to school on Mondays and will be handed back on Tuesdays. Before changing books, children are expected to read their book three times: One for decoding, one for comprehension, and one for prosody (expression and intonation). 

As we progress through Year 1, children will be taught to change their own reading books giving them the opportunity to choose books they think they'll enjoy.