Breakfast & After School Club Sept 2023
Breakfast Club and After School Club Update
Breakfast Club and After School Club Update
Dear Parents
The planned NEU teachers' strike is due to go ahead tomorrow. So, as previously communicated, Squirrel and Owl classes at West Leigh and 3AJ, 3W, 4W and 5Y will be closed to pupils tomorrow, Thursday 2nd March. Online learning will be available via the attached links.
All other classes will be open as normal. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions linked to this.
Nick Webster
Executive Headteacher
The Federation of West Leigh Infants and Backwell Juniors
01275 463 274 01275 462 632
Please could you send the message below to all parents from reception – year 6 to make them aware of our community catch-up clinics
Flu vaccination catch-up clinics are available for all who did not receive their vaccination at school. Please book an appointment at to book either nasal or injectable flu. If you have any queries please contact the Immunisation Team directly on 0300 124 5515 or email
With Kind Regards
Sirona care & health CIC
Community Childrens Health Partnership
Immunisations Team
3 Station Road
BS20 0AB
Dear Parents/Carers,
It is with great sadness that as a country we have learnt of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth. Today, we will be marking this historically significant moment during assembly time at each school and will consider as a community how we can commemorate HM Queen Elizabeth’s reign over the coming days and weeks. We will spend time in class answering any questions that the children may have and offer them support where needed.
I will share further details in due course when we are clearer about the arrangements for schools at the time of the state funeral and coronation.
Yours sincerely
Nick Webster
Executive Headteacher
2nd September 2022
Dear Parents
I hope you have all had a very enjoyable summer period and are as excited to be coming back to school as we all are. An especially warm welcome to all new families and to the children in our Reception intake. We can’t wait to see our youngest children arriving in their school uniforms for the first time on Monday. I look forward to seeing you all at the school gates over coming days.
As always, we have been very busy preparing for school re-opening and have spent yesterday and today undertaking some key training and preparation work in advance of this. There has been a considerable amount of refurbishment work undertaken at both school sites with new fire doors and lighting installed as well as new roofing at BJS. As communicated separately, the hall at Backwell Juniors will remain out of action for the first week back as work is completed and so there will be no hot food lunch choices during this time (Backwell Juniors only).
School Uniform
Please could I also remind you all about expected school uniform – please see the link below with full details:
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday and look forward to sharing your children’s learning journey throughout this year, beginning with our open afternoons from after school until 6pm on Monday 12th September. These will be a chance for you to find out more about your child’s class routines, curriculum and general year group expectations. More details to follow.
Yours sincerely
Nick Webster
Head Teacher
Emailed to all parents and carers - Thursday 14 July 2022
What a day!
Wow! What a great day!
After a breakfast of delicious pancakes, we started a very busy, fun filled day of activities. These included abseiling, sea activities, orienteering, caving, plus more mountain biking, archery, zip lining etc. Each group has completed 3 activities. Everyone has had great fun, and we are very tried! We all enjoyed a picnic lunch on the field and even had time to fit in some football! This evening we are off on a coastal hike in the evening sunshine. Our teachers all say we will definitely sleep well tonight!
We hope you enjoy the pictures below.
Morfa Bay Day 1
After an early departure from BJS, we enjoyed a fun journey to Morfa Bay. Everyone sang along and was wearing a smile by the time we arrived in Pendine.
On arrival, everyone found out their groups, discovered where they will be sleeping and had a little explore of the beautiful site.
This afternoon, we have all taken part in two activities, including caving, mud assault course, climbing, zip lining, abseiling, archery and mountain biking. So many new challenges were faced and goals achieved! Each and every child has been absolutely fabulous.
After a hearty dinner, we all walked down to the seafront in Pendine and enjoyed ice creams and slushies. Unfortunately, the tide was too far in to play on the beach (there was no beach), but we all enjoyed the walk.
Nearly time for bed, well-earned rest and looking forward to a full day tomorrow!
Local Governing Board Recruitment
As we start looking to the next academic year, we have some exciting opportunities to become a governor, and join the work of our Local Governing Board (LGB).
The role of the Local Governing Body, working with the Head Teacher and the leadership team, focuses on three core areas:
As part our governing board development and ongoing succession planning, we are looking to recruit some specific skills.
We are particularly interested to hear from people who have experience, past or present, in the following areas:
Becoming a governor is a wonderful opportunity for individuals to who have a good dollop of passion, curiosity, confidence to ask questions, as well as time to invest in the schools. A chance to both share your skills and develop and learn as part of a board.
So, what would you need to do?
How to apply:
We have a talented community, with much passion, capability, and strong voices, so I hope we can tap into some of that to support the work of our schools. We are equally happy to hear from non-parents to support our board, so if you do know someone who would be a great fit do please share this opportunity with them.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Justine Stafford
Chair of Governors
Local Governing Board 2021-2022
16th December 2021
Dear Parents
Even as I write this letter, our circumstances continue to change and evolve. This year has certainly given us all plenty to think about and I’m sure the beginning of 2022 will be no different.
Thank you all for your patience and kindness during these most challenging of times. Without your continued support our schools would not be able to operate in the ways that we have. ‘Normality’ has come to mean something quite different to us all recently. We continue to try to keep things as normal as possible for your children and hope that their time at West Leigh and BJS remains fruitful, rewarding and most importantly fun!
As always, I must recognise the huge effort that all staff put into all aspects of school life. Their commitment is admirable and they all deserve (as I’m sure you do) a restful Christmas period. Working in a constantly evolving environment requires dedication and flexibility and they have shown these qualities and many more in spades.
We are all looking forward to spending Christmas with friends and family and I sincerely hope you have a fabulous time. A reminder that the first day back for children is Wednesday 5th January 2022, as Tuesday 4th is an INSET staff training day. Face coverings for adults while on site will remain a requirement at both schools until we evaluate the Covid situation in early January.
Yours sincerely
Nick Webster