Geography Intent Statement
Geography is the perfect subject to inspire and educate children about the diverse world that we live in. Learning about the world promotes curiosity and questions children’s thinking.
Geography should:
- Allow children to share their knowledge and experiences of different places in the world
- Promote an understanding of how places differ including its human and physical features
- Immerse children in thinking that deepens their knowledge in order to respect different places, values and cultures
Develop children’s skills in map reading and expand their geographical vocabulary.
Geography is taught specifically through all three year groups as part of a termly or half-termly topic, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum.
EYFS: In Reception children will explore the world through a variety of activities. In term 3 our topic is called ‘Where in the world’. Through this topic we look specifically at: Finland, Africa and China (there is also an extra country that we study which changes every year depending on the country selected for Arts week). We widen the children’s knowledge about different climates around the world and the animals that live in each of the different habitats. We discuss the houses and homes that people live in and then compare these places to that of their immediate environment. Children are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences and discuss what they observe about the similarities and differences between each of the countries.
Year one – In Year one the children are given an introduction to maps and globes. It is through this that children deepen their understanding of their immediate locality (Backwell) and compare it to local cities. They will also compare the similarities and differences to a different country which promotes curiosity and fascination towards the subject. Children explore the seasons and make observations about the changes that they notice through the year. This involves studying their environment including trees and weather and they record this through various weather symbols. At the end of the year children deepen their understanding of maps and explore human and physical features teamed with an enriching school trip to the local seaside.
Year two – Children explore the wider world in greater depth by learning the difference between a country and continent and should be able to name the 7 continents of the world. It is through the study of Antarctica that children research a cold country and are specifically taught how to locate hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the equator and the North and South Poles. Pupils extend their knowledge of maps through fieldwork and develop an understanding of compass directions. Children use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
Geographers leave West Leigh with a solid understanding of their local environment, the patterns and changes of the seasons over time and recognise that where they live has similarities and differences to other countries around the world. It is our hope that children are intrigued by the world and enjoy asking questions to deepen their understanding. Children have a basic understanding of maps and globes which they can use to locate various physical and human features. Pupils leave KS1 with the necessary skills to draw a simple map and are able to locate various places around the world including naming the 7 continents. It is our hope that children will find the world a fascinating place and are curious to find out more.