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History Intent Statement


Our History curriculum at Backwell school is woven into everything we do; History topics are often at the heart of our cross curricular approach. Each topic provides an overarching theme in our classrooms which leads to a variety of cross curricular opportunities in every term.  History helps children to understand who they are, where they came from and how they fit into the progressing modern world. Our exciting History topics allow children to completely immerse themselves in the past. Teachers go above and beyond to provide interesting and engaging lessons, displays, experiences, WOW days and trips to really bring the History curriculum to life. We ensure that the curriculum is accessible to all and strikes the right balance between subject knowledge and developing history skills to get the best out of our young historians!


We believe an effective, comprehensive and progressive History curriculum can inspire and delight children as well as provide them with a secure understanding of Britain’s past and the past of the wider world. Taught discretely and through many other subjects, our termly History units have been designed to satisfy all the requirements of the History National Curriculum. Children are encouraged to explore the Historic events of the period as well as develop their Historical skills. Throughout Key Stage 2 (KS2), we continually revisit three key themes; chronological understanding, knowledge and interpretation and Historical enquiry.

In each year group, children learn about an aspect of British history and an aspect of global history. In Lower KS2, children learn about Britain’s history from the Stone Age to the Roman conquest and, in Year four, children take part in an in depth local study of Backwell village. In Upper KS2, our timeline continues with the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings in Y5 and finishes with the Victorians in Y6. By the time they reach secondary school, our children should have a secure understanding of how Britain has changed through the ages and crucially how it has been influenced by other cultures.  We ensure the progressive development of concepts, knowledge and skills through careful planning, and aim to inspire in all our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the Britain’s past and that of the wider world. In LKS2, children learn about Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome and, in Upper KS2, children explore Ancient Greece and the Maya!


Pupils of all ages and abilities should find joy in their learning. It is our hope that engaging and exciting lessons, experiences, WOW days and trips leave children with a lasting positive attitude towards History. Our careful and considered approach to planning should create curious and critical historians and leave children with the knowledge and skills to continue to progress in KS3 and beyond. By the end of KS2, our children should understand how History has impacted our lives today. Children should have a secure understanding of chronology and should be able to look at historical sources critically to ensure they are not just passively receiving information. Above all, we want to inspire a love of History and of learning!